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2011 NIRA Feather River Rodeo
My Selection
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02 Thur Saddle Bronc Riding
06 FriSlk Breakaway Roping
07 FriSlk Steer Wrestling
11 Fri Perf Bareback Riding
12 Fri Perf Tie Down Roping
13 Fri Perf Breakaway Roping
14 Fri Perf Steer Wrestling
21 SatSlk Breakaway Roping
22 SatSlk Steer Wrestling
26 SatShortGo Grand Entry
27 SatShortGo Bareback Riding
28 SatShortGo Tiedown Roping
29 SatShortGo Breakaway Roping
30 SatShortGo Steer Wrestling
31 SatShortGo Saddle Bronc Riding
33 SatShortGo Barrel Race
34 SatShortGo Bull Riding
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